Whilst the island remains under restrictions and the shop is temporarily closed, I can be your virtual personal assistant and guide - to put your baby or toddler in correctly selected and comfortable footwear. No need for guesswork or “blind” ordering off Amazon – use my expertise and experience for free.
I know exactly how my footwear fits, and I can send you just what your baby or toddler needs. My top brands are competitively priced and local delivery is fast & free too!
Looking for our Older Kids' Service? Click HERE
1. E-mail me fitcentral@jerseymail.co.uk with your child’s age and let me know if they have taken their first steps or are just trying to walk holding onto the furniture.
2. Measure the length between their heel and longest toe (usually the big toe) on both feet.
3. Take a close-up picture of both feet, if possible with them standing holding on to someone, so I can get an idea of the width and depth, like this mum did here:
2. I can then suggest styles and send you images so that you can choose and place an order.
3. Once you have chosen your preferred pair(s), I will send you a PayPal invoice. When paid, your order will be sent FREE by Jersey Post.
That's it! The reassurance of expert advice, the security of local delivery and the familiarity of a well-renowned & trusted Jersey company.
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