Whilst the island remains under restrictions and the shop is temporarily closed, I can be your virtual personal assistant and guide - to keep your child in correctly selected and comfortable footwear. No need for guesswork or “blind” ordering off Amazon – use my expertise and experience for free.
I know exactly how my footwear fits, and I can send you just what your child needs. My top brands are competitively priced and local delivery is fast & free too!
Looking for our Baby/ Toddler service? Click HERE
1. E-mail me fitcentral@jerseymail.co.uk with details of your child’s last shoe check (if available) and attach a picture of their
current style. If possible, attach another picture of them standing on the removed insoles, like this Mum did here:
2. I can then suggest styles and send you images so that you can choose and place an order.
3. Once you have chosen your preferred pair(s), I will send you a PayPal invoice. When paid, your order will be sent FREE by Jersey Post.
That's it! The reassurance of expert advice, the security of local delivery and the familiarity of a well-renowned & trusted Jersey company.
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