Appointments Page
Appointments are normally available during school holidays only.
Please use this easy form (FILL EVERY FIELD PLEASE!) to request a booking - it will tell me everything I need to know and will make booking much quicker! Without this information, I am unable to know how much time to allow for your appointment. Thanks!
Name (Yours, not your child's)*
Your email address*
Your phone number*
Preferred day(s) - SEE AVAILABILITY AT TOP OF PAGE. Select one or more*
For the day(s) selected above, what time?
↓ ↓ Please don't leave this one blank! ↓ ↓ Preferred date(s) & time(s) for your appointment (please be as flexible as possible)* If nothing entered here, you MUST accept the dates I give you.
Does your child/children wear orthotics?
Number of children, their names & ages*
Expected total number of pairs*
Details of what you expect you will need (tick all relevant boxes or enter details in "Other" box):
Any other relevant information
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